Høglund Connect
Get an insight into your LIVE ship and fleet data, detailed fuel consumption and performance reports for safer, more reliable and cost-efficient vessel operation.

The role of Høglund’s Data-Driven Approach in Enhancing Reliability
Høglund’s systems are designed in a way that maximises access to data for playback and analysis. Integrated automation systems are the source of rich, accurate operational data as the vessel’s automation systems are where most shipping data is generated, from individual inputs and outputs.
Turning these signals into useful information has always been at the core of Høglund’s expertise. By ensuring quality, accuracy, and ease of access to data from the most basic level upwards, Høglund Digital Solutions can ensure trust and reliability in the data that owners, crew, charterers etc. all use to make critical decision.
Høglund Connect is a starting point for a number or services, specially designed to enhance your operational effectiveness and financial predictability even further:
Høglund Digital Solutions
Performance Data
Discover the power of Performance Data by Høglund. Elevate maritime operations with data-driven insights.
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Live Data
Live access to your data, through new and upgraded web GMR.
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MRV/DCS Auto Upload
Simplify compliance with Høglund MRV DCS Auto Upload. Seamlessly integrated into Høglund Connect, it automates reporting for environmental documentation.
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Enhanced Cyber-security
Security is safeguarded by marine-approved Høglund cSafe firewall solution, per default installed on all Høglund
The solution gives the following benefits:
- Easy activation of remote access by pressing a button when needed
- Remote access directly to all operator stations in the system
- Granted access only for security- authorized Høglund personnel
- All data entering and leaving the system is segregated from other systems, making it the only access point